Aqua Summer Investments

Aqua Summer, a company owned by Mr. Borcea Cristian, took into use two swimming pools situated in Bucharest, namely Moghioroș Swimming Pool and Crângași Swimming Pool, that were in poor condition and unfit for a safe use. In both locations, Aqua Summer invested about 9 million Euro, restoring the brightness and vitality of the swimming pools.These locations were...

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Euronet Worldwide acquired Paynet Romania

December 7. 2011 Source: MANAGER.RO Euronet Worldwide acquired Paynet Romania The intermediary in payments and electronic transactions Euronet Worldwide bought Paynet Romania, the company which offers integrated ATM card processing services and POS services for merchants.Transaction value was not disclosed.With 44 employees, Paynet operates 720 ATMs and 1,700 POS terminals in...

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Share transfer of one of the biggest LPG Gas Companies in Romania

Share transfer of one of the biggest LPG Gas Companies in Romania Friday, June 29, 2012 SOURCE: HOTNEWS.RO Petrom sells to Crimbo Gas International  its subsidiary of Petrom LPG Petrom, the largest oil and gas producer in Southeastern Europe, sold 99.99% of its shares in the subsidiary Petrom SA to Crimbo Gas LPG International, as the company announced on Friday. Cu...

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Share transfer of one of Romania’s most important football clubs

Share transfer of one of Romania’s most important football clubs 16.07.2012 Source: MEDIAFAX Borcea has said goodbye to Dinamo. "They were the best years of my life" CEO of Football Club Dinamo, Cristian Borcea, said Monday at a press conference in which he announced departure from Bucharest group, that the 17 years in which he was shareholder were the most beautifu...

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Dan Adamescu has bought the brand "Academy Catavencu"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011, Source: ZIARE.COM Dan Adamescu has bought the brand "Academy Catavencu"The new owner of the brand "Catavencu Academy" is Dan Grigorescu Adamescu, which owns the newspaper Romania Libera.Businessman has won Academy Catavencu trade mark for the amount of 882,654 euros, following an auction held on Tuesday..

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"SHV Gas" took over "Crimbo Gas" from Cristian Borcea and Constantin Rizescu

Dutch company "SHV Gas' obtained from the Competition Authority merger authorization to acquire sole control over company controlled by Cristian Borcea and Cruistian Rizescu," Crimbo Gas, "reads a press releases of the Competition Council.   v    Friday, May 16, 2008, Source: BUSINESS24.RO Borcea sells the cylinders to SHV for Euro 20-25 millionThe world&...

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